Affordable Huntersville, NC auto injury attorneys
Something happened it's bad, now it's your job to fix it! 

The law is complicated, let us do for you what you can't do for yourself.
We understand your situation and fight for everything owed to you.
Let us deal with the lawyer stuff, you have enough on your plate.

For a better idea what happens next, check out Betty's Story!!

Huntersville, NC auto accident injury lawyers
When your average day, suddenly becomes anything but average!

Auto accidents are increasing in the United States. This is evident by an article titled "Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities For the First Half (January-June 2021")" from the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

According to the report, at least 20160 people were killed by motor vehicle accidents during the first six months of 2021. This is the
largest increase of any six-month period in the history of the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (at 18.4% beginning in 2020).

Isn't it time to get it done? Let Huntersville, NC auto accident injury lawyers help you with all your auto injury law firms needs...

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Huntersville, NC vehicle accident lawyers

Over 20,000 motorists perished in the U.S. roads in the first six months of 2021, and left countless loved ones behind We cannot and should not accept these fatalities as simply normal part of life in America.

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This shocking number is the reason for development of a National Roadway Safety Strategy, which is expected to reduce the amount of accidents that occur on the roads of America over the next few years.

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Need a vehicle accident lawyer Huntersville, NC for a consultation?

Anyone can be a victim of these accidents however, if you're involved in a motor accident in the roadway it's crucial to be aware of how to react correctly to ensure you achieve the best results in a difficult scenario.

Betty's Story...

Betty is a retired school teacher who along with her husband lives on the coast in the eastern United States. One day she was sitting in
the back seat of the car because the passenger seat in front was full of packages her husband and her were taking to donate at the
local thrift store. On the way her husband had stopped at a red light and while waiting for the light to change another car being
driven by a young woman who wasn't paying attention ran into the back of Betty's car...

Huntersville, NC auto accident injury lawyers

Call the paramedics or the authorities.

An auto accident can make you feel a bit shocked. It is crucial to notify authorities as soon as possible and ensure that medical personnel are
at the scene as quickly as possible, especially if other
individuals are injured.

It is important to get medical help in these situations. There may be injuries that aren't immediately obvious. It is also important to have the police
present so that you can make the police a statement to help you in
filing a claim later.

Betty's Story Continued...

Now although there car was not moving Betty still felt a little pain in her neck from being hit from behind. Now although Betty was more
scared than hurt her husband still insisted that they have her checked out at the hospital. They admitted Betty because the doctor
wanted to keep an eye on her overnight to make sure they didn't have anything to worry about and also because of her age.

Now after Betty had been admitted and she had been at the hospital for a few hours she started feeling pain in her neck that also was
down into her shoulders. They told her to take it easy for a few days and if the pain got any worse to come back and she should
also make an appointment to see her own family doctor...

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Auto injury law firm prices Huntersville, NC

Be relaxed.

This is difficult to do when you're in shock. But, it is important to be calm and remain in control so that you can make informed decisions concerning treatment and dealing with authorities.

You shouldn't take your car off the road even if you do not see fire or smoke. But if you feel that there is more danger if you're inside your vehicle, then you should get out and walk by the
side of the road to avoid further accidents.

Be aware of your surroundings and make note of any
information that could be useful if you choose to
file a case.

Betty's Story Continued...

Over the next several months Betty's pain got worse and she also developed numbness in the fingers of her hands. Now Betty's doctor was starting to get concerned so she ordered an MRI and made an appointment for Betty to see a neurosurgeon. When the results got back,
the doctors learned Betty had degeneration in her neck which had probably been caused by a severe case of whiplash...

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Get in touch.

It is imperative to inform your insurance company about the accident right away, so your claim process can be initiated quickly. However, these insurance companies are supposed to be your ally in such situations.
Many will try to offer you the least amount possible.

This is why you need to be smart and not accept settlement offers immediately. It is recommended to get an attorney to review their
offer before you sign any agreement to ensure you're not being
scammed out of your money.

It is also important to obtain the contact details and insurance details of
the other driver in order to make it easier to deal with them later.

Get in touch with your lawyer.

A lot of people may not realize this, but you need to get your personal injury lawyer by your side as soon as he can following the accident. Do not
attempt to resolve the case on your own as it can lead to errors
that might jeopardize the chances of pursuing a claim.

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Betty's Story Continued...

Now before they had to resort to surgery Betty's doctors wanted to try cortisone injections along with hydrotherapy treatments. Unfortunately there was no noticeable improvement. For the pain Betty was having, so her doctors came to the conclusion that the only remedy that
might help her was surgery. However, when the doctors told them how much it would cost the young lady's insurance company
refused to cover the cost of the surgery because it was quite expensive...

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Huntersville, NC car injury attorney

Do not place or accept the blame.
It's common for an accident victim to blame others. If you're the victim of an accident and you have evidence, you should consult a personal injury lawyer. If you're the one who was the cause of the crash it's the same.

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  • Huntersville, NC auto accident lawyer quotes
  • Huntersville, NC car accident law firm deals
  • Auto injury law firm costs Huntersville, NC
  • Huntersville, NC car accident lawyers plan

Betty's Story Continued...

Now before the accident Betty and her husband were enjoying their retirement, they would get out and do thing together. Betty loved to
dance and visit with her friends who all visited the local senior center at least several times a week. The center also put on special
nights where they would do pot lucks, or bingo nights, and other things that kept them quite busy. Betty also loved working in her
garden in the spring and summer, all that changed after the car accident...

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Something terrible has happened to you or a family member, otherwise you wouldn't be here.

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The problem is it's your job to fix it, but you don't know how or where to find the answers

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auto injury law firm prices Huntersville, NC

When you need someone who understands your situation and will fight for everything owed to you.

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auto injury law firm costs Huntersville, NC

When you've been hurt you have questions, we have answers.
Let us deal with the lawyer stuff, you have enough on your plate.

Betty's Settlement...

Because the insurance company didn't want to pay for the expensive surgery Betty was stuck at home in too much pain to do the things
she and her husband loved to do. Well her husband decided he wasn't going to take this laying down, and he also had a friend who
was a personal injury lawyer. So Mike who was their friend the lawyer decided to do something about it. After getting all the
medical reports from Betty's doctors and reviewing the eye-witness accounts from the police officers, he filed a rather
large claim with the courts.

Then he went to talk to the insurance company, when the insurance company found out exactly how much they were planning to sue for it didn't take them long before they were willing to listen to reason. Betty got her surgery, which was a complete success and she also got
a quite large settlement for her pain and suffering. If you are hurt in a car accident, talking to the insurance company on your own
is never a good idea it can affect whether you get what's coming to you or not...

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P: (336) 586-5115

400 Gilead Rd 
Huntersville, North Carolina

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